D. Hale Rambo

Knowing Messenger. Minor Deity of Kairas

Knowing Messenger – Minor Deity of Kairas

Just because we can see the future does not mean our hands are tied. In fact, they are better guided than ever to set a new wheel in motion. ~Meliori

Name: Knowing Messenger, Meliori the Ascended, Ardent Ambassador Meliori.

Divine Domains: Knowledge, mindfulness, wisdom, prophecy

Divine Symbols & Sigils:
Gray dove
Wings made of olive branches
Large eye

Realm: Halls of Kaira

Church: The Stacks

Physical description: Freckles across the bridge of the nose is a staple for this deity. Golden swirling amber eyes. Brown and gold loose curls that are accentuated by circlet of olive vines that stretch on either side of their head into small wings.

Personal History: Adopted by Lady Endurance. Orphaned with sibling Bota.

Education: Formally educated by Lady Endurance and the Celestials at the Hearth Great Library

Accomplishments and Achievements: She worked with Endurance to use the network of the libraries to create the organization The Stacks and start the first Curators on their missions to discover new information across the land and gather it for the Stacks.

With a heart as strong as Lady Endurance and a mind as curious as the Muse, Knowing Messenger possesses a rare and exceptional gift – the power to touch a person’s soul and reveal their destined moment in time, allowing them to make the most of their present and future.

Laysa, Curator

Meliori may be the only mortal in the world who knew my struggles as I knew them. Whether because of her gift or because of her insightful nature I don’t know. But time is not an easy thing to manage. Nor are children, as her and her brother have shown me daily. But with them I understand what none of my siblings could possibly know. That mortals are our best chance for actually enduring after our lifetimes.

Noble Endurance

Read the Lore

Want to dive deep into the setting and the lore? Come right in.

Meliori's Short Story

Read Of Farmers and Messengers in SONGS OF THE FORGOTTEN


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