D. Hale Rambo

a blog image for the Keen blog that features a large fox on a grassy hill


image of the character Skinny from the book series A Series of Decisions on Kairas by D. Hale Rambo


Keen wanted her to, and he was a clever pup.
Not really a pup anymore. Skinny glanced down at his large red furry head nestled on her chest. He had grown very much in the years since they had been away from home. In size and in power.

Nickname: Keen

Age as of 1142 AS: 97

Fur Color: Red

Eye Color: Dark black and amber

Species: Unknown

Family: The di Romana family

Keen is a fox cub from the Erto Region region. He seems to be traveling the world as a constant companion to Skinny. That child of Ronina.

Recorded on 1142 AS by:   Scholar Carmela

*Private note: There is something here that Ronina has hidden from me. Reports are unusual but I fear I can’t make much of it without getting my hands on him. – SC

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