D. Hale Rambo

Hard Bound Cover Reveal & Release Date!

Hard Bound will release August 31st! Check out this fae-themed cover! I love the torn leather, vines, and that peekaboo crown.

Someone has stolen from the Court of Copper, the illustrious fae page nestled within the Book. As the fabled Order of Seven, once impervious to discord, tears under the weight of distrust and strife, an innocent risks being shelved, penned as the thief. Who lies at the heart of the crime? Is it a member of the fractured counsel, or could the thief be much closer to Fiona than she realizes? 

As the fate of the fae teeters on the brink of upheaval, Fiona and her alchemist ally, Gaili, must delve deep into the tangled mysteries of the page, racing against the clock to unearth the truth and restore harmony to the Court of Copper. Can they halt the rewrite of the fae page before it’s too late and keep it from tearing inside out?

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Soon available to request at your local library!

Paperback ISBN 978-1-960123-03-9

Hardback ISBN 978-1-960123-04-6


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