D. Hale Rambo

Support Your Local Library!

Local libraries are paid for by tax. If we don’t use the library services we could lose the library. Y’all, that’s not something we readers or authors want.

Let’s keep our libraries by supporting our libraries.

Books straight to your home in seconds

Libraries have ebooks. When you borrow an ebook you can read them through your library’s chosen ebook reader app like Libby or CloudLibrary, etc. A few clicks and you’re reading a new book in seconds, even if the library is closed. 

You can get D. Hale Rambo ebooks at the library too. Can’t find them? Ask your local librarian.

3 Steps to Requesting a Library Book or E-Book

1. Check Your Library stock
Search your library catalog for the book to see if it’s in stock or on order. If you can’t access your library catalog, ask the librarian to look for you.

2. Request a book
If your library doesn’t have the book, you can ask them to order it. Some libraries ask you to complete a form at the library or online. Other libraries may allow you to request the book in person, by phone or by email.

What they usually ask for is:

Title: e.g. Between the Lines

Author: e.g. D. Hale Rambo

Series: e.g. The Planar Pages

ISBN: e.g. ISBN 978-1-7361281-9-0 (Paperback).

Format: e.g. ebook

You can usually find this information on the author’s website or shop.

3. No luck? Try again later – with friendsIf the library declines your request, you can still try again later. Ask fellow library users to make the same request. If multiple people ask for the same book, there’s a better chance that the book will be ordered.

Want more library goodness? Read A Short History of Libraries and How to Support Your Local Library

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