I don’t follow. Do you? ~Night Bringer
Name: Alifa (a.k.a Reverie), Night Bringer
Divine Domains: Night, Moon, Stars, Dreams, Nightmares
Holy Books & Codes: Consteller’s Star Map, Night Log
Divine Symbols & Sigils: Visage of an owl.
The Full Night – Dream the 8th – 24 hours of perpetual night for the entire land.
Motivation: To protect those who dream and to prevent nightmares from escaping.
Physical description: Tawny beige skin is freckled with brown spots. Hair the color of a deep blue. It changes depending on their mood but, not often.
Apparel & Accessories: They often wrapped themselves in night, dark colors, as the constellations they’ve created display on their skin. They wear a ring on one hand and don no visible weapons.
Pets: Giant owl named Vabo
They often present to everyone, everywhere, all at once through dreams and nightmares. Most people in the world knew exactly what the Night Bringer looked like because of this. They took their work seriously and tried to offer dreamscapes that were relevant or of some meaning to the dreamer.
– Laysa, Curator