D. Hale Rambo

Featured image for a blog post about the character Skinny with a forest scene with trees and sunlight peaking through

Ronin di Romana (a.k.a. Skinny)

image of the character Skinny from the book series A Series of Decisions on Kairas by D. Hale Rambo

Her attention to the land and the continent as a whole makes her an excellent outside guide to it.

Nickname: Ronin, Skinny.

Age as of 1142 AS: 70

Hair Color: Short chin-length white silvery hair

Bonds: I may not have much in this world but I have Keen and would die for them.

Family: Rosanella her Mother, Farnin her brother and Keen.

Motto: Don’t expect me to save those who can’t save themselves. It is nature’s way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.

Ronin, daughter of the esteemed di Romana family that has long led the nation of Erto, was known in her youth for a rebellious streak and penchant for adventure that greatly vexed her mother, the ruling Rosanella. While her brother, the charismatic Farnin who was being raised as the family’s next leader, looked after his headstrong sister with fondness, Ronin earned a roguish reputation through petty crimes, promiscuity, and a refusal to adhere to the strict decorum expected of the di Romana clan.

Conflicts seemed to have flared on Erto’s borders with the Far Water region. It was during this time that the unthinkable occurred – Farnin was slain while protecting Ronin and civilian refugees. This tragedy seemed to utterly shatter the relationship between mother and daughter, with Rosanella publicly blaming Ronin for her beloved son’s death and disowning her in grief.

Exiled from her homeland, the remorseful Ronin wandered aimlessly for years, seeking redemption through fruitless adventures and mercenary work across the continent.

Eventually, she found purpose among the reclusive Protectors of Arovain, embracing their spartan ways while honing skills in survival, reconnaissance, and an intimate familiarity with the region’s geography.

For the past several years, the once-wayward Ronin has leveraged these talents as a scout and guide, leading expeditions under the employ of nomadic traders and mercenary companies. Her unique knowledge of the lands and insights from years of wandering have proven invaluable to those navigating the dangers of the wilderness and territorial conflicts it seems. 

Recorded on 1142 AS by:   Scholar Carmela

*Private note: I expect the daughter could cause great pain to the mother if applied in the right way.  – SC

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